Our father was in the Army for the first 8 or 9 years of my life. During some of that time we lived on a military base in, what was then, West Germany. It was a fantastic life for a kid; loads of other families living in close quarters or barracks as we called them. Rarely were we ever inside to care about what was on television, OK, I don't recall television at all, but apparently american television was very hard to come by. I am told that there was only one station that played English speaking programming and only then was it broadcast for a few hours a day one day a week. Luckily, for our parents sanity, our Uncle Mean Mike dutifully recorded from television Christmas cartoons minus the commercials and sent the VHS over the pond for us kids one Christmas. This video was loved and cherished and played so many times that the tape broke several times over the years. We became pro's at opening the VHS cassette and carefully using scotch tape to put the snapped tape back together. This compilation fondly had been dubbed "The Christmas Video." Over my 35 years I can count probably only 5 Christmas', since this video came to be, that I have not watched parts or all of the video. Those 5 years were rough! All the moving and transitions from VHS to DVD tragically misplaced our beloved video. Gratefully with much hunting and hoping and a dash of Christmas miracle The Christmas Video was located and digitally recreated only to be lost once again. New children, my sisters', had learned of and watched with eyes a-glow on frosty nights our treasure. Last year all of the cartoons were located on YouTube and lustfully watched with only one favorite missing. A short cartoon with no words or dialog as it were, just music and sounds. After much sadness and acceptance that its name and location would never be known another Christmas miracle, in August to be exact, the remaining lost treasure was named and located! Today I was able to locate all of our The Christmas Video cartoons and joined them together never to be lost again... I HOPE! These are they as followed above in exactly the order of sequence from our VHS that have danced like sugar plum fairies in our heads!
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